Category Archives: VST

When & Why To Use Explode Pitches To Tracks vs Multi-Out / Export Stem Options

Studio One offers various different ways of working when it comes to MIDI (Note Data). Having said that – each method offer’s its own unique workflow advantages over the others. For instance there’s Explode Pitches To Tracks, Transform To Audo Track(s), Exporting Stems, and enabling Multi-Out options just to name a few.

In this free video tutorial in PreSonus Studio One, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates some of the key differences when using “Explode Pitches To Tracks” vs various other options such as Multi-Out, and Exporting Stems. In addition, he also offers some insight as to when to use each of these options over the other.

Studio One 3.3 – Notion 6 Integration Overview

In this video, Marcus Huyskens gives an overview of the new integration features between Studio One 3.3+ and Notion 6.

Straight from our friends at PreSonus, here’s the basic features of Notion 6:

Traditional Notation or Tablature – Fast and Easy

  • Easily compose, play back, and edit music
  • Perform scores using Notion as a live instrument and save your performance
  • Create a score on a Mac®, Windows® computer or tablet, and continue to edit on iPad® or iPhone® and vice versa
  • Interactive Entry Tools: Keyboard, Fretboard, Drum Pad, Chord Library (including custom chords)
  • Cross-platform handwriting recognition, powered by MyScript™ for written entry
  • Sequencer overlay to see notation and MIDI data on the same staff
  • Windows touchscreen support… just use your finger or stylus and tap
  • Work with Notion in your native language with options for Sim. Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish

Create and Perform with Unmatched Sound Quality

  • Best playback of any notation product, with samples recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra, Roy and Victor Wooten, Neil Zaza, Soundiron, and others.
  • Full guitar and bass articulations in playback
  • Custom rules editor for instrument specific articulations
  • Increase your sonic palette with additional expansion sounds from PreSonus or your favorite VST Instruments and libraries.
  • Process audio with included PreSonus® Native Effects Limiter, Compressor, and Pro EQ plug-ins or other VST plug-ins.
  • Mix with a DAW-style console with up to 8 individual buses
  • Live performance options include play, tap, vamp, repeat, fade, playback dynamics, and navigate with Heads Up Display

Serious Studio Integration

  • Transfer audio and note data between Notion™ and Studio One® anywhere on your network
  • ReWire support (host and slave), with real-time audio and MIDI transfers to a DAW
  • Set music to film with advanced video capabilities
  • Compose to picture with the video window
  • Import video in a variety of formats: MP4, H.264, MPEG, MOV, AVI, M4V, and 3GP on Mac and Windows, plus WMV on Windows
  • Native 64-bit support
  • Retina (Mac) and High-DPI (Windows) support for high resolution displays

Deliver Professional Scores and Polished Performances

  • Print entire scores, individual parts, or lead sheets with chords and lyrics
  • Layout control tools: drag notes, measure lines, time signatures, and more, while avoiding accidental respacing
  • Show/hide parts independently by system for maximum readability
  • Import/export files to/from Finale® and Sibelius® via MusicXML or other apps via Standard MIDI
  • Export scores as PDF files
  • Export WAV or MP3 audio files
  • One-click Bounce All export of individual staves or mixed buses.
  • Share music with fans instantly via SoundCloud™

e-instruments Release Session Keys Electric S

Our good friends at e-instruments have just released Session Keys Electric S. According to e-instruments, the Electric S gives you the retro sound of the 1973 suitcase electric piano with all the modern magic you could imagine. Heres what they have to say:

The Suitcase Piano

“Nothing embodies the evolution of the Rhodes Piano better than the 1973 Suitcase: a killer package of keyboard, amp and speakers.

To recreate this much-loved electric piano classic we hunted high and low for a top-quality original. We unearthed a magnificent 1973 suitcase which spent weeks undergoing painstaking specialist restoration. Once back to peak condition we began detailed recording to capture every nuance of its original sound.”

Check out this video below that demonstrates the different sounds & features of the Electric S

In Summary

  • 1973 Suitcase
  • Two separate sound banks: Studio and Live
  • Pentamorph sound control to transform the whole sound with a single knob
  • Animator with over 400 flexible phrases
  • Smart Chord function to create instant piano chords from single keys or pads
  • Effects chain with Tremolo/Auto Pan, Chorus, Phaser, Amp Simulator, Compressor, Delay and Convolution Reverb
  • Native Instruments NKS compatible
  • Size: 18.8 GB / 9.9 GB (lossless sample compression)
  • 24 bit, 44.1 kHz
  • Requires free Kontakt 5 Player or Kontakt 5 Version 5.5.1 or higher
  • Full Version €79 / $79

Current Users of the Electric R can add the Electric S to their collection for only €49 / $49 until September 1st 2016.

Crafting Guitar and Bass Tones With Plugin Alliance

In this free video tutorial, Michael demonstrates using the bx_bassdude, bx_bluechorus2, bx_greenscreamer, bx_yellowdrive, bx_distorange and bx_console from Plugin Alliance to craft guitar tones in the box.

A Must Have Free Plug-In For All Your Metering Needs

Most of us rely on specific plug-ins that are part of our workflow. It seems everyday new and improved products are released giving us many options. Options are great however sometimes you find something that just works for you and the latest greatest doesn’t meet or exceed your needs. Such is the case for my favorite free plug-in T-RackS Metering by IK Multimedia.

T-RackS Metering is always on my mains when tracking and mixing.

Three reasons why I always use this plug-in :

1. The spectrum analyzer. I haven’t found any other that functions quite the same.

2. The GUI is well designed and doesn’t take up much screen space.

3. It’s free.

Here’s some info about T-RackS Metering :

Nothing beats the T-RackS Metering module for getting your mix under control. This is a complete metering section with level, phase and frequency in a single, easy-to-read display for immediate access.

It features the following sections:

  • Precision, three-scale Peak meter with sample accuracy and digital “overs” warning

  • Real Perceived Loudness meter

  • Phase Scope with options to match style and indication you are used to

  • Phase correlation

  • Spectrum Analyzer with Peak, RMS and Averaging indications

  • RMS Meter

  • Loudness and RMS Meter “optimal” zone indication, selectable by genre and style

Peak metering shows the maximum level reached by the signal down to the single sample, while “Perceived Loudness” metering gives the listener a more effective sense of the average loudness of the track which is calculated by combining an accurate frequency weighting of the program and can be used as a reliable reference for how loud the track is being mixed. The added bonus of the selectable genres or music styles gives the user a “ballpark” reference for the music that’s being mixed.

The RMS meter is a standard reference showing the “power” of the audio signal. Typical RMS level for commercial tracks hovers at around -9dB, but this is not complete information as the RMS level is based on a flat frequency response which does not take into account the massive amount of low frequencies which are vey common in modern pop and rock mixes. Using it in conjunction with the “Perceived Loudness” will provide very useful and trusted information to set the loudness of mixes or masters.

The Phase Scope included in the meter is superior to the average plug as it reacts 40 to 50 times faster providing much more useful information. When the level of a track is pushed very hard, the scope will reflect it with a progressive squaring of the picture with sharp edges.

The Phase Correlator is a handy tool to measure the phase relationship between the Left and Right channels of a stereo mix. A +1 value shows that the mix is completely mono, while a -1 value shows a completely out-of-phase signal. In normal conditions, a mix will show values continuously varying between +1 and 0.

The Spectrum Analyzer is an 1/6-octave FFT type with flexible, customizable settings that can be tailored to a wide number of diverse situations – in either Peak or RMS mode with fast or slow response – so that the overall frequency balance of the mix can always be easily displayed.

For more information on T-RackS Complete Metering suite, and everything IK Multimedia, click here.

If you have a favorite metering plug-in or want to share what’s your favorite free plug-in please comment.

Review Of The Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61

In this video review Michael shows us the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 in PreSonus Studio One 3.

Here’s the basic’s:


  • Bold design, superior build quality, and premium Fatar keybeds in four sizes
  • Intuitive Smart Play features inspire musical creativity
  • Total connectivity – NKS for superior plug-in integration, plus full VST, DAW and hardware control

The KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series combines smart, elegantly-designed keyboards with advanced control software to form a fully integrated centerpiece for studio and stage – matchless control over all your software instruments from one award-winning keyboard.

Visit the Komplete Kontrol Product page for more details.

Using McDSP 4030 On Drums in Studio One

In this free video tutorial Michael Tomblin shows us the 4030 Retro Compressor plug-in from McDSP on drums in PreSonus Studio One 3.

Michael Reviews The Vinyl Strip Plug-in from AudioThing

In this video review Michael shows us the Vinyl Strip Plug-in from AudioThing in PreSonus Studio One 3.

Vinyl Strip is a multi-effect plugin featuring 6 modules: Distortion, Compressor, Bit Crusher, Tilt EQ, Vintage Reverb, and Vinylizer. The modules can be arranged in any combination by simple drag-n-drop. Vinyl Strip will add life and an old school touch to your samples and tracks, and achieve that classic vinyl record sound in your digital environment. The plugin is optimised to be lightweight on the CPU.


  • 6 modules: Distortion, Compressor, Bit Crusher, Tilt EQ, Vintage Reverb, and Vinylizer
  • All modules can be arranged by drag-n-drop
  • Lightweight on CPU
  • Preset system with randomizer
  • Formats: VST, AU, and AAX (32/64bit)
  • Platforms: OSX, Windows

Review Of The UAD Marshall JMP 2203 Plug-in From Universal Audio

In this video review Michael shows us the UAD Marshall JMP 2203 Plug-in from Universal Audio in PreSonus Studio One 3

Developed by Softube exclusively for UAD-2 and Apollo interfaces, the Marshall JMP 2203 plug-in is an expert emulation of the legendary ultra-flexible 100-watt amplifier used by everyone from Iron Maiden and Slayer, to Jeff Beck and My Bloody Valentine. All Marshall plug-ins include UA’s Unison™ technology; Apollo user’s guitar pickups will see the exact impedance load as if they’re plugged into a vintage Marshall amp — a feature found only on Apollo audio interfaces. *

Introduced in 1975, the JMP 2203 is widely regarded as one of Marshall’s premier amplifier designs. The amp quickly caught on with players of all stripes with its abundance of dense crunch and power. 

Marshall JMP 2203 Plug-In Key Features:

  • The world’s only authentic and licensed plug-in emulation of the classic Marshall JMP 2203 amplifier
  • Unison technology for Apollo interfaces offers authentic tone, touch, and feel of original JMP 2203
  • Five essential virtual microphone options 
  • Over 50 presets designed by legendary AC/DC engineer Tony Platt

Review Of The Virtual Preamp Collection From Slate Digital

In this video review Michael shows us the Virtual Preamp Collection from Slate Digital in PreSonus Studio One 3.

The Slate Digital VIRTUAL PREAMP COLLECTION brings the authentic tone of two of the audio industry’s most classic microphone preamplifiers to your digital audio workstation.  Each preamp uses state of the art analog modeling technology to recreate every aspect of the preamp circuit from mild coloration to full on saturation and distortion.  The VIRTUAL PREAMP COLLECTION or “VPC” was originally designed to be used with the Virtual Microphone System’s VMS ONE Ultra Linear Microphone Preamp, but it can be used with any clean sounding preamp to add extra vibe.  VPC can also add real analog preamp tone to any track or mix, and even create rich sounding distortion effects.


The FG-73 preamp module is modeled after one of the most famous British discrete solid state preamps in the audio industry that has been used on countless recordings.  It has a bold, present, and warm sound that sounds great on any audio source and even full mixes.  


This FG76 preamp module is modeled after a classic vintage tube preamp that has been used on many classic recordings.  It has a thick, warm, and colorful tone that can make tracks and mixes sound more ‘alive’.  The bottom end saturates in a very unique and musical way, making it a great module for bass guitar and kick drum tracks


Both modules feature a “virtual drive” knob. This knob simulates the action of increasing the amplifier input gain while automatically decreasing an internal output trim, so it can set the gain staging of the preamp easily.  For most color and tone effects, the left part of the knob should be used.  For more saturation and full on distortion, the virtual drive can be pushed to the right side or even fully cranked.