Category Archives: Support

Make Time In Your Day To Be Creative For Yourself

I spend a lot of time mixing for clients or working on articles for the Studio One Expert Blog. Sometimes a week can go by where I haven’t created any music. Here is some great advice from Dan Cooper to keep our creative juices flowing. 

A good way for us to develop our creative skills is by setting a personal creative time aside everyday. It’s a simple rule but many of us forget to do this – myself included.

Many of us got into music production because we started as musicians, so we know that daily practise of an instrument is an integral part of creative development. Why then do we forget to set time aside for improving our creative skills outside of working creatively? Many of us that work in music production with family responsibilities know it is all too easy to not set time aside for our creativity but we should find at least 15 minutes a day that we can use to develop our creative skills outside of studio work and away from clients.

I lived with a professional chef years ago. He worked 12 hour days at some of the top restaurants in London. Every time he cooked for himself at home he took it as a golden opportunity to be creative… which led to some brilliant meals and sometimes crap ones. The point I’m trying to make here is that my chef friend understood he had to make time to feed his creativity in cooking in order to become a better chef. He took those small opportunities outside of his busy life to create, experiment and make something new.

Many of us are busy working in our studios for clients – don’t neglect yourself as a creative & musician. It is not uncommon for me to go weeks without playing the piano or guitar, which is a shame as I love to just sit back and play my instruments as for me playing the piano is a great stress relief. 

Today is a Bank Holiday in the UK so I am not going down the studio to work on client material. Instead I am going to be taking my own advice – I will set some time aside today to be creative for myself.

What about you? How do you juggle between working on projects for your clients, and setting aside personal time to be creative? Leave us a comment below, we’d love to hear your thoughts!

How To Prepare Your Self Employed Business For Holidays

Dan Cooper from our sister site Pro Tools Expert, gives his opinions on how to survive a holiday when you are a creative business owner. 

Being self employed in the creative industry involves two things – long hours and tight deadlines. Long periods of work in a high pressured creative business without taking a holiday is a recipe for stress, but many of us worry about leaving our businesses behind. This article shares 4 tips that will help you prepare your business for when you take an essential holiday for yourself – away from work.

Out Of Office

Inform your regular/most important clients of your holiday dates. Use automatic “out of office” replies within your inbox along with a recorded a voicemail message on our phone letting regular or potential clients know that you are unavailable. Don’t be tempted to engage with your emails whilst on holiday as this can easily lead to mistakes and miscommunications.


The is simple business management. Ensure your business finances are in good order before you leave. You don’t want to worry about your finances nor feel the need to work for cash flow sake whilst on holiday. If you have bills to pay during your holiday period then pay them before you leave or schedule wire transfers through you bank. Organise client invoices well before you leave so that you receive your payments on time so that overdue invoices don’t distract you from your time off.

Prepare For Long Return To Work Hours

Set a date to return to work. It’s good to put a day or two between your return home and your return to work so that you don’t diminish your holiday vibe too quickly. This will also ease you back into your working rhythm thus preventing you from rushing your return to work duties.

Don’t Work On Holiday

If you have planned the perfect holiday then it stands to reason that the same amount of planning should go into preparing your business for when you are away. Think of your holiday as an investment in you.

Let’s Here Some Of Your Methods

Many self employed creatives may have already been on a summer holiday, many may have one booked later in the year. If you are a self employed person running a business in the creative industry please share some of the ways you prepare your business for when you go on holiday.

Understanding Mental Illness In The Creative Sector


Russ has started a series to shine a spotlight on mental illness in the creative sector on Pro Tools Expert.

He writes;

A few weeks ago on the Pro Tools Expert Podcast I shared a little of my story of dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and depression that I had for a few years in my mid twenties. I was surprised (although I should not have been) at those who then responded with positivity about me sharing this information.

He goes on to say why it matters to talk about this on a creative blog;

So why write about this on a Pro Tools blog? Simply because several studies have suggested a link between creativity and mental illness across a broad range of conditions, ranging from anxiety disorders to much more serious conditions, thus making it more likely for those suffering to be found in our community.

We talk a lot about gear, technology and technique but spend little time on the subject of mental health, which for me seems to be a dereliction of duty in fully supporting a creative community – surely this is just as important for some of you, if not more so.

If you want to know more then head over to Pro Tools Expert

3 Things To Check If Studio One Keeps Crashing

All software can have issues and there’s nothing more frustrating to be in the middle of a track and finding your DAW crashes – Studio One is no exception. However before you blame a bug there’s three things to check before calling support or ranting online about how terrible the product is.

1. Is Your Setup A Supported Specification?

It’s always important when buying any software to make sure your computer, software and audio interface are all supported by the manufacturer. What a company means by the term ‘supported’ is that although it may run, it has not been tested and or/validated to run with that configuration. Therefore the company has no responsibility to offer you any kind of support if you have issues when using their product. Many people run software on unsupported machines without issue, but if you are having crashes and things not working as intended then this is the first place to look. 

For Studio One supported specification check here

2. Do you have bad memory installed on your computer?

There is always a temptation to buy cheap memory to use in your computer, but it is cheap for a reason, however you can get some bargains on quality memory from brands like Crucial, OWC and Kingston, so that is worth checking out. If you are having problems and need to check if the issue is related to bad RAM then the way to test this is as follows.

  • Turn off your machine and place it on a static free workspace.
  • Carefully remove one stick of the RAM and then restart your machine.
  • See if the error occurs, if it does then repeat the process replacing the stick you took out and removing another stick.
  • If you find during this process that the problem has disappeared then it may be some bad RAM that you need to replace.

3. Do you have a bad plug-in?

Perhaps the number one reason to crash a DAW is a bad plug-in, it may need an update, or it may have a bug. Although Studio One does not have crash protection on a plug-in by plug-in level, it will ignore bad plug-ins at startup if they cause Studio One to crash during the validation process. You can see in the image above where Studio One has identified plug-ins it needs to ignore.

One area where this is more likely to occur is when using cracks of plug-ins, which have been modified to circumvent the protection system – when this is done it may make the plug-in unstable. If you want a trouble free system then our advice is to stay away from cracks.


All software has bugs, but on the whole Studio One is a rock solid DAW that should give you few issues when trying to make music or edit audio. As we said at the start of this article always make sure you’ve eliminated other possibilities before blaming it on a bug. 

New LinkedIn Group For Professionals Using Studio One

A new networking group has been set up on LinkedIn for professional musicians, composers, engineers and producers who use PreSonus Studio One to make their living.

There are already a lot of great groups on social networks like Facebook and Twitter where people can share songs, tips, tricks and get problems solved, and of course there’s an excellent forum hosted by PreSonus which should be the first stop when trying to find answers.

The Studio One Professionals group on LinkedIn recognises that there are more and more professionals using Studio One who may not use Facebook or Twitter but who want to network and share ideas with other professionals who make their living in audio production.

If you want to be part of the group then you will need a fully up to date LinkedIn profile to apply.

We look forward to sharing

Click here to find out more

Something Every Studio One Owner Should Know About Their Licence

I recently discovered another reason why I like using Studio One. You may already know this, if not, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. 

Studio One 3 Professional allows up to five simultaneous computer installations on computers owned by the registered Studio One 3 owner. I can’t imagine I would ever need that many active installations at once, but it’s nice to know If I did it wouldn’t be an issue. What a concept, give the user more than they will probably ever need.

Anyone who owns a secondary computer such as a laptop could use Studio One 3 Professional for recording or production while away. Who really benefits from this policy is larger studios can run Studio One 3 Professional in five rooms simultaneously.

I feel this is one more reason Studio One 3 Professional is a great choice for a DAW. Knowing your able to simultaneously use five instances on five different machines that you own at once is, I think PreSonus saying to it’s users “we got your back”.

Thanks PreSonus!

Using The Info View In PreSonus Studio One

Studio One is full of handy little surprises, one of them being the Info View.  For those of you who have ever wondered what that little question mark is in the tool bar menu, this video is for you.  In this free video tutorial guest contributor, and friend of the Blog Don Baarns demonstrates the power of using the Info View when working in Studio One. The Info View is filled with useful tips that can help streamline the learning process for those moving over to Studio One, as well as seasoned veterans who may have been missing out on features they weren’t aware of.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Don, he has been doing some amazing work leading the charge, and supporting the Voice Over/Narration community of Studio One users all around the world.  Although his workflows are generally geared towards optimizing and streamlining Studio One for working with speech, he definitely has a few tricks up his sleeve that can come in handy regardless of what type of work you are using Studio One for.

Don is the owner and Admin of the Studio One Narrators & VO Users group on facebook, as well as the Audio Rescue RX: Enhance, Repair, Save, Recover Audio group.  If you are using Studio One for doing voice over/narration work, then we definitely recommend checking these groups out. 

We’re super grateful that Don has agreed to take some time out of his schedule to do some video content for our Studio One Expert community.  Thanks Don!

5 Studio One Web Sites You Should Bookmark In Your Browser

Studio One Expert is just part of a fantastic network of support communities on the web, all of us are working together to support the Studio One community. In addition don’t forget to check out the official PreSonus forum and knowledgbase pages, designed to give support to Studio One users.

If you like what we do then you should also check out these great sites run by friends of Studio One Expert. These are in no particular order.

Home Recording Made Easy

Founded by David Vignola Home Recording Made Easy offers online tutorials as well as reviews on studio equipment. David owns Vision Recording, a professional studio that specialises in mixing.

Home Studio Corner

Perhaps one of the pioneers of Studio One tutorials, ex Pro Tools user Joe Gilder offers both paid for and free content. Much of the Studio One content on the PreSonus website was created by Joe.

Home Studio Trainer

Created by Johnny Geib, he describes his site as ‘the starting point for beginners’ however that belies the huge amount of excellent content created by Jonny and delivered in a really entertaining way.

Jonny Lipsham Studios

Based in the UK Jonny is an accomplished musician and offers a lot of cool tips and tricks for those songwriting in Studio One.

Presonus Studio One Facebook Group

Owned & moderated by Lee Hazlewood, this Facebook group is filled with lots of great tips and discussions. It is well moderated and on the whole has very little silliness often associated with internet forums and Facebook communities.

All the above sites have well established and proven track records in consistently delivering great content for Studio One.

Ian V Jones Joins The Studio One Expert Team

Allow us to introduce you to our new EDM guru!

Ian “Jonesy’ Jones is the head of “Underhouse Studios” in Sydney Australia.

He is an electronic music producer and remixer and also an accomplished drummer! In fact he was recently inducted into the New Zealand Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! But Jonesy’s real passion lays with music technology and nerding out over music production.

He has released tracks under many guises, but most notably as “KILLMeDJ” and “Stereo Jones”.  Jonesy had been a Logic Pro user for nearly 20 years but recently made the switch to PreSonus Studio One V3, and hasn’t stopped talking about it since!!

Jonesy’s love for Studio One has led him to do a short series of videos on his youtube channel and as the self proclaimed “Laziest Man on Earth” loves coming up with ways to make the creative process in Studio One as easy and as fast as possible.  He has openly stated that he won’t rest until he has programmed a single Macro to write a whole track!! (Just kidding).

Jonesy states, “when I was becoming a professional drummer I reached a stage where I could translate my creative thoughts directly through the instrument, without any thought of the technical aspects involved. Now, I love helping people reach that level of creative flow using their computer as their instrument, and not just a digital tape machine.”

Ian has some great workflow concepts, sound design knowledge and more tips and tricks than you can shake a USB stick at!  & he is finding more and more everyday!

Jonesy had this to say about his new role at Studio One Expert:

“It’s so exciting to be part of the “Studio One Expert” Team.

There’s so much great stuff in Studio One V3, and I’m super excited to have the opportunity to create content that will show people how amazing Studio One is for writing electronic music!

I was a big fan of the Studio One Expert blog before I was approached, and had learned heaps from the content that already existed.

It’s a thrill to know that my videos will now be a part of this awesome resource.  I really want electronic producers to be as excited about Studio One as I am!”

We hope you are as excited as we are, and needless to say, we are super stoked to see what Jonesy has cooking for us!

PreSonus Post Universal Control 1.7.3 Release Notes and Update information

The team at PreSonus have announced Universal Control 1.7.3 to offer support for Mac OS X El Capitan as well as some other changes.

On their knowledgebase article they say:

This update to Universal Control for PreSonus FireStudio Interfaces and classic StudioLive Mixers is to add support for OS X 10.11 El Capitan. It also adds support for co-install of Universal Control with UC Surface for RM mixers and AI Consoles on Mac OS X.


Added support for Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
Co-install compatibility with Universal Control AI / UC Surface software on Mac OS X. Both software control panels can co exist on the same system at the same time. PC co-install support coming soon

NOTE: Simultaneous operation of StudioLive AI mixers with Firestudio interfaces or 1st generation StudioLive mixers is not supported. This driver and control panel will not control the new StudioLive AI series mixers.

For more information on co-install and further instructions should you run into issues, please see this link below:

Full article and download here