Category Archives: Mastering

Video Review – Oxford Limiter v2 By Sonnox

Check out this awesome in depth video review of the Sonnox Limiter – courtesy of Peter Barter from our sister site Pro Tools Expert.

Like Peter, I too have always been a huge fan of Sonnox plug-in’s – and this particular limiter has long been my go-to limiter of choice on my music mixes. In addition, this latest update has also brought it right up to par with the modern specs we need to hit via the added “True Peak” limiting mode.

Main Features

  • Peak limiting with attack, release & variable soft-knee
  • Enhance section to increase perceived loudness 
  • Recon meter shows actual rather than sampled signal 
  • Auto Comp fixes recon errors without losing overall loudness: conforming to the industry’s true peak measurement standard (ITU-R BS.1770-4)
  • Audition and apply TPDF dither for 24-bit and 16-bit output word lengths with four types of variable noise shaping
  • Four variable-strength noise shaping modes for use with highly dynamic program material
  • Full backwards compatibility with previous Plug-In versions
  • Great library of factory presets to get you started


  • AU, VST2, AAX
  • Mac / Windows

Peter goes on to say;

“With the inclusion of the very musical sounding enhancement section and newly added reconstruction meter and automatic correction to take care of the true peaks for use in broadcast loudness workflows and mastering for digital download and streaming, is the Oxford Limiter v2 the ultimate modern limiter?”

If you’d like to get a copy or take the plug-in for a test drive – visit the Sonnox website for more information.

New Video Series From Groove3 – Studio One Know-How: Compressors & Dynamics

Our good friends over at Groove3 have just released their latest Studio One Series.  In this series, Studio One Know-How: Compressors & Dynamics, our very own Marcus Huyskens dives into the different dynamics processors included in Studio One.

Here’s what they have to say:

“Studio One offers numerous compressors and other dynamics tools, and in this video tutorial series Studio One pro Markus Huyskens explains and explores the options you have at your fingertips.

Marcus begins with a brief introduction and a primer on how to use compression in general, then demonstrates how to use the Compressor, Expander, and make-up gain features in the Studio One Channel Strip. Next, he shows you how to use the dynamics section of the Fat Channel, including the Limiter, Gate/Expander, and Compressor.

Then it’s time for a deep dive into the Multiband Dynamics plug-in, and Marcus reveals how to take control of the discreet frequencies in your tracks and dial in compression settings tailored to the individual frequency bands. 

Marcus now demonstrates the parameters of the RC500 State Space plug-in, and the VT1 dynamics plug-in, including its unique impedance settings, as well as how to use the Tricomp, focusing on how it can add vibrance and apparent loudness when used on the mix bus.

Wrapping it up, Marcus explores how to use the limiter to raise the overall loudness enough to compete with modern mastered tracks, and ends by showing you creative uses for Studio One’s dynamics processors. First, he shows you how you can use the built-in Compressor to create a frequency-based deesser by using its sidechain filter, and how to set up a parallel compression chain by using the Splitter.

If you’re new to Studio One, or if you’re an experienced user looking to really learn the dynamics plug-ins available, watch “Studio One Know-How: Compressors & Dynamics” today!”

So, if you’ve been putting off digging into the stock dynamics plug-ins in Studio One, now is the time to start!




FREE Nugen Audio AB Assist Plug-in – Exclusively From The Production Expert Group

The Nugen Audio AB Assist plugin is a brilliant free plugin to help you compare two different plug-in or two completely different process chains.

AB Assist plugin was only available in AAX format for Pro Tools users and you used to have to get it through the Avid Store, but not anymore. 

Now Available In AU & VST Formats Too

We are very pleased to announce that it is now available in VST and AU formats and so you can use it with all the major DAWs like Logic,Ableton LiveStudio One as well as Pro Tools of course. 

Exclusive To Production Expert

You can only get it through the Production Expert family of sites, Pro Tools Expert, Logic Pro Expert, Ableton Live Expert, Reason Expert and Studio One Expert. You cannot get it anywhere else.

Producing Hip-Hop & Trap In PreSonus Studio One – Part 4 – Mixing The Beat

In Part 4 of this free video tutorial series, Friend of the Blog – Producer/Mixer “Concrete Zebra” demonstrates how to mix the beat using a commercial reference, and how to ensure optimal levels are reached without destroying the dynamics.  Having a solid sounding track is essential for sending out to artists, or for the collaborative process.

If you missed Part 1 you can find it here

If you missed Part 2 you can find it here

If you missed Part 3 you can find it here


Review Of The Trinnov ST2 Pro Room Analysis & Optimisation System

I’ve been considering buying a Trinnov ST2 for about 6 months, I recently upgraded my speakers from Unity Rocks Mk2 to a Pair or Amphions and I am really happy with the way the speakers sound and translate, my only issue is my mix room. When I moved into my space at DWB Music I decided to get the builders in and have a large vocal / instrument booth installed. Although I really needed the booth I didn’t think about the how this booth would affect the acoustics in my room. What happened when I installed the booth was, as I shrunk the room the low frequency waves could not complete a full cycle, so as a result, I tend to get a lot of build up towards the back of the room. My mix position, although greatly improved by the Amphions was still not ideal. If for instance I’m mixing a track that is bass heavy around the 40-80 Hz i am always at a disadvantage trying to judge exactly how accurate the bottom end of my mix is. 

I was at a Pro Tools Expert event in London and i remember James Ivey telling me about this room correction unit called a Trinnov ST2 Pro. I have always been very sceptical about room correction software/ hardware, I used some hardware and software units, and I’ve found these to be more trouble than they are worth. Thats not to say you wont get good results with them, but for me they added as many issues as they took away. After installing my booth I had a ton of bass / mid frequency traps put in my room and although it has greatly improved the acoustics there still is an issue with the bottom end and phase. 

A few weeks ago i decided to test out the Trinnov ST2 Pro and it has made a massive difference to the anomalies in my room. no longer am i trying to judge the bottom end in my mixes. I honestly didn’t realize I had phase issues in my room but as soon as the Trinnov had completed its calibration the whole stereo image opened right up, I can hear elements in the mix I have never heard, and my job has become enjoyable again. 

The difference between the Trinnov and other room correction systems is the Trinnov is in effect, its own computer, it comes with a 4 capsule 3D microphone that measures the whole room far more accurately than its competition. The price of a Trinnov ST2 Pro is in excess of £4000, but don’t let its price put you off, this unit truly is fantastic. If like me, you do this as a job you need your mixes to be the best that you can possibly deliver. If you get a chance I’d highly recommend you try one out – the before and after results are astounding. If you live in the UK you can contact Paul Mortimer from Emerging Ltd who are the UK distributors, and I am sure he will be able to point you in the direction of your local dealer.

Below i’ve posted the 3 Videos that some of the Pro Tools Expert team and Paul Mortimer did a while back that goes through the system in great detail, its well worth a watch. 

Softube Release The Drawmer 1973 Multiband Compressor Plug-in

Our good friends at Softube have released the Drawmer 1973 Multiband Compressor Plug-in. More control, more versatility, more definition, the Softube Drawmer 1973 plug-in is designed to enable you to micro-manage the dynamics of your sound with precision. And you can do it with the unmistakable analog feel of a modern Drawmer classic.

Carefully modelled on the original Drawmer 1973 hardware in collaboration with the Drawmer research and development team, and approved by Ivor Drawmer himself, the Drawmer 1973 plug-in brings the award-winning three-band compressor bang up to date.

Mastering with the Drawmer 1973 gives you independent control over three frequency bands, which can give you a solution to problem mixes. With a three band compressor you can pull out individual instruments, brighten the mix, or tighten the lows. But the Drawmer 1973 is equally useful on single sound sources in a mix. Try taking away the boomy character of an acoustic guitar or control the low frequency dynamics of a bass but leave its top end alive and kicking. Alternatively try removing sharp consonant sounds from a vocal track without eliminating detail and clarity.

Softube have chosen to stay faithful to the look and sound of the original Drawmer 1973, but also adding some extra up-to-date features to the plug-in, including Mid-Side processing and sidechain.

The Drawmer 1973 has a GUI echoing the look of the hardware original, is designed to be CPU friendly, and comes with a range of presets to get you going.

Softube Drawmer D73 Features

  • Three band FET compressor
  • Gives you precise control of the sound source’s dynamics
  • Additional Mid-Side mode and sidechaining, not available on the original hardware
  • Plug-in model approved by Drawmer
  • Each and every component carefully modeled
  • Presets from the Drawmer S73 are included, and more added
  • Introductory price $199 until March 31, 2016. After this, the normal price will be $249