Category Archives: Artist

Artist – Stoked on the Buchla

5ToK3 (Stoke) is a British musician and artist working in Brooklyn, New York. Renowned for his unique programming technique using only analog synths as well as his extensive vintage synth collection, his is essentially an analog musician in a digital world. Otherwise mysterious, choosing for his identity to remain unknown, his roots in punk and industrial sound fuse with his obsession for electronics, machines, and the synthesizer.

His new track, “Third Man,” is a collaboration with hip-hop producer Louis VI, and created largely on a Buchla 200e system. Louis VI contributes the jazz-trap-inspired beats.

Here’s the track, and you can go here for signposts about hearing it on Apple Music, Spotify, and SoundCloud. It’s quite lovely, sort of like something you’d hear behind an Adult Swim interlude if that bunch were a little more cerebral.

5ToK3 also has a handful more Buchla 200e patches demonstrated on his Vimeo page, and they’re quite engaging. Here’s one:

5Tok3, we’ll be stoked to hear more from you in the future!

Artist – Experimental Synth and the Krell Patch

So, I just wrote this editorial opinion piece about how modular synthesists should learn at least some basic music theory. The same day, a long-standing colleague emails me this composition he created – which is atonal and arhythmic, but very haunting and beautiful. This drives home the point that it’s fine to break the rules, but that doing so becomes much more effective if you know which rules you’re breaking. And this guy clearly does.

The composer, Experimental Synth, is in fact one Chris Stack, an Asheville, NC-based musical wizard who for a time was the marketing director for Moog Music Inc. I highly recommend perusing his website to uncover more treasures.

Chris tells me that this entire suite was created using just a MakeNoise 0-Coast synthesizer and plug-ins from studio effects staple Eventide. There is certainly something to be said for squeezing all you can out of a small palette of tools. Reducing “option anxiety” about which plug-in or synth to use focuses your creativity on actually making the music.

If you’d like to hear the complete version of this three-track suite, hit Chris’ page on Bandcamp. Now, enjoy a taste below.