Monthly Archives: September 2017

Comprehensive macOS High Sierra Compatibility Guide For Music Software And Hardware

If you are wondering if your music software and hardware will brick if you update your Mac to the new macOS High Sierra software then Mike and the team at Pro Tools Expert have made this amazing database.

The comprehensive macOS High Sierra compatibility guide for music software and hardware features over 100 of the top software and hardware brands. The fully searchable database will tell you in an instant if you can upgrade with safety.

Check it out below. It’s updated daily so make sure you report back for more news.



How To Move Your Roland Cloud Instruments To Another Drive – Mac

The Roland Cloud has a lot of good points, with some very cool, retro synths to enjoy.

However, there seems to currently be a flaw in the software and that is you can’t currently (October 2017) keep the content you download on an external drive. We have searched high and low on the Roland FAQs and other forums and it seems there is currently no option for it.

If you start to take advantage of the Roland Cloud the content soon starts to add up and many of us like to keep our content on separate drives.

How To Move Your Roland Cloud Instruments To Another Drive – Mac

A workaround for this current oversight by Roland is to create an alias and then point the Roland plug-ins to it.

  • To do this locate the Roland content, found in your application support folder /Library/Application Support/Roland Cloud
  • Open the Roland Cloud folder and select all the content and then CMD drag it to a new folder on your external drive with the name Roland Cloud. Once that has completed then make an alias of the new folder by right mouse clicking on the folder.
  • Copy the alias to the Application Support folder.
  • Rename the old (and now empty) original Roland Cloud folder ‘Roland Cloud Old.’
  • Then rename the alias ‘Roland Cloud’ making sure the word alias is removed.
  • Open your DAW and test everything is working fine. We have and it all seems OK.

A couple of things to note, when you open the Roland Cloud Manager it will tell you nothing is installed, but it is. You may also have to authorise your synths again but after that, all should be good.

Windows Users

If you are a Windows user and know how to do this in Windows let us know and we’ll post it.

We hope this is a temporary solution and that Roland will allow Cloud users to move their libraries to other locations.

Free Plug-in Of The Week – IK Multimedia Syntronik Free

This week’s free plug-in is IK Multimedia Syntronik Free. Syntronik Free is a fully functional FREE version of Syntronik, the paid for flagship vintage synth VI from  IK Multimedia. The best way to think about Syntronik Free is a tasting menu of the full version, sporting 50 presets, 38 effects, parts, layers and arpeggiators that you can play and edit with sounds taken from the massive Syntronik library that can be used as a plug-in or standalone virtual instrument.

Synth Expert, the blog for synth lovers said this of Syntronik Free.

“I have not always been a fan of IK Multimedia virtual instruments, it wasn’t that they were bad, but in my opinion, they simply didn’t seem to have the edge that other companies instruments exhibited. That changed when I reviewed the MODO Bass VI some time ago which impressed me greatly.

Syntronik changes that again, even before you take into account the comprehensive feature set included in this FREE version, the sounds are rich and the 50 presets do a good job of demonstrating the depth and breadth of Syntronik.

That IK has given access to the controls of each synth so you can tweak to your heart’s content makes this free version a bloody miracle and raises the bar for other manufacturers. If nothing else Syntronik Free is a lesson in generosity, one could quite happily work with this version before having to shell out any money.”

Check out the Synth Expert review of IK Multimedia Syntronik Free.

To find out more and to download Syntronik Free click here

Friday Free Plug-in – Audiority FREEMOD

Every Friday on Synth Expert we are going to feature a free plug-in, there’s plenty of good ones around so you may not have come across some of them.

This week’s free plug-in is Audiority FREEMOD. FreeMod is a stereo phase modulator able to twist your sound with tremolo-like effects, low-fi audio and FM like sounds.


  • Phase Modulation
  • Modulating oscillator with 10 waveforms
  • Tempo synced LFO with 11 waveforms
  • Envelope Follower

Deleight User Manual download



  • Windows XP SP3 or later
  • Intel i3 or higher
  • 2GB RAM
  • Screen resolution: 1024×768
  • VST2, AAX 32-bit or 64-bit host


  • OSX 10.7.5 or later
  • Intel i3 or higher
  • 2GB RAM
  • Screen resolution: 1024×768
  • VST2, AU and AAX 32-bit or 64-bit host

Download Freemod plug-in here


Check out our extensive free synth plug-ins database

Neyrinck Announce BeatsBot – Great Beats When The Inspiration Hits

Neyrinck, developers of plug-ins and DAW controller software, have announced BeatsBot.

BeatsBot has been created in much the same way as the early drum machines offering built-in beats that can be used right away or edited and then arranged into a song from the patterns.

Whilst monster drum VIs with gigabytes of content and an endless array of parameters have their place, they can often be overkill during the jamming and writing process, so something like BeatsBot might be right up your street.

Neyrinck say of BeatsBot;

“BeatsBot lets you get on with the fun part of creating music. BeatsBot is an iOS drum app that lets you play, practice and write songs to the beat, fast. Play along to great drums when the inspiration strikes. BeatsBot lets you quickly choose the right tempo, the right kit and a pattern that suits your music so you can get on with the fun part of being creative anywhere.”


BeatsBot Overview

The best, simple and easy beats app for practicing, jamming, composing, and performing. Great for professionals and beginners who want to create to the beat. Use the built-in beats or create your own. Share beats with your bandmates. Fully compatible with MIDI foot controllers, pads, and keyboards.

Simple Interface
Beat sections are laid out in a grid. Just tap a section to start a groove. Tap any section at any time to switch the groove, steady and solid.

Loop Mode / Song Mode
Loop mode lets you tap a groove or fill to lock into a groove. Song mode plays back the grooves and fills in order so you can perform an entire song. So simple.

Built-In Beats
BeatsBot has lots of built-in beats for rock, jazz, latin, country, EDM, and metal genres.

Beat Sharing
Tap the share button and you can send a text message or e-mail to anyone you play with. They can instantly import the beats into their device. Or send a message to yourself to move your beats between your iPhone and iPad.

Foot Control
Use a MIDI foot controller for hands-free beats when you are playing your music.

Powerful Editing
Customize your beats and make your masterpiece with the simple and powerful editing features. Just tap the Edit button and you can re-arrange sections, edit patterns in sections, and tap in grooves with the pads.

BeatsBot Price

For a limited time just BeatsBot is $4.99. You can also try for free.

More about BeatsBot here

Spitfire Audio Releases Hans Zimmer Percussion Library

Spitfire Audio has just announced a new entry in the Hans Zimmer group of libraries, which have the official blessing of the prolific Hollywood film composer. Running within Native Instruments Kontakt, Hans Zimmer Percussion covers a globe-spanning palette of drums and percussion categories, including Taiko, Bombo, Surdo, Gong Drums, Dhol, Tombek, Boobam, Bass Drums, Tamtam, “Metal” (comprising Plattis, Anvils, and Crushers), Timpani, and more.

Recorded at London’s AIR studios, the library employed some of Zimmer’s go-to players for his film scores: Paul Clarvis, Stephen Henderson, Gary Kettel, and Frank Ricotti, performing on all the real instruments. Ninety-six different rare mics were used to capture the virtual mic positions available (close, room, surround, and mix), into Neve preamps and a Neve 88R console.

Zimmer’s scores are known in part for thunderous hits and layered “action drums,” but HZP provides for a great deal of subtlety for soft passages as well. Nine round-robins (triggering different samples to avoid the dreaded “machine gun” effect) and six dynamic layers offer an unprecedented level of “humanistic” programming. Spitfire’s Paul Thompson shows us a walkthrough video here:

This is a high-end library with a high-end price, but there is an introductory break: US $299, Euro 299, and GBP 259, rising thereafter to US $399, Euro 399, and GBP 349. Euro and British prices include VAT. It is available now.

The Ultimate Pro Audio Guide To macOS High Sierra Compatibility

If you are wondering if your hardware and software are compatible with macOS High Sierra then Mike and the team at Pro Tools Expert has created this excellent fully searchable and constantly updated database.

You can use the macOS High Sierra Pro Audio Compatibility Guide to quickly check if a brand has yet qualified their products.

PreSonus has already published information on macOS High Sierra pro audio compatibility specifically for their hardware and software.



How To Set Up Studio One To Visually Work Like Pro Tools For Editing And Mixing

In a recent survey we conducted on Studio One Expert a comment was made about setting up Studio One to work like Pro Tools, in other words, the two screen mode – here’s how.

Watch more great video tutorials for Studio One

Softube Release Buchla 259e Twisted Waveform Generator For Modular

Our friends at Softube have just released a new module for their virtual Modular synth instrument: The Buchla 259e Twisted Waveform Generator. The original hardware version was digital in nature, and could produce wave-shaping, aliasing noise, and sideband frequencies. It is also capable of CV modulation of pitch, amplitude, and timbre, hard and soft sync, and pitch tracking. But it’s not your father’s creamy analog oscillator. It’s not meant to be, and neither is Softube’s typically accurate software rendering.

Softube say:

This coveted dual oscillator module is the first-ever officially licensed plug-in version of a Buchla product. While the unit can be used for traditional synth patches, its unusual inner workings makes Buchla 259e excel at metallic, cold, harsh, digital and screeching sounds. Buchla 259e is an add-on module for use with Modular.

Main Features

  • Unique and desirable oscillator
  • Perfect for screeching, harsh and digital sounds
  • Can also be tamed to sound quite smooth and organic. Can morph smoothly between these softer sounds and the more in-your-face sounds
  • The digital parts are ported from the hardware line by line, the wavetables byte by byte, and the analog parts are modeled component by component
  • The first-ever officially licensed Buchla plug-in

Trial Download

Softube offers a 20day free trial of Buchla 259a Twisted Waveform Generator, visit the Softube website to try it for yourself.

What Is Softube Modular?

In this video review Pro Tools Expert Team member Julian Rodgers takes a look at Softube Modular.

For people wanting to experience the “no safety net” approach to synthesis as found in modular systems then Modular offers as close to the Eurorack experience as you can get without getting a rack and some modules.

With a standard complement of modules from Doepfer, comprehensive Utility modules, a variety of methods to control and synchronise Modular, the option of designing custom interfaces and extra modules available for purchase this is really is a tweaker’s delight.

For an overview of getting started with Modular check out this free tutorial from Puremix.

Softube Volume 1

Modular is one of 16 Softube products found in Softube’s new plug-in bundle Volume 1. For more information about volume 1 please visit the Softube website.

Studio One 3 Version 3.5.2 Now Available – What’s New?

PreSonus, makers of Studio One, has announced Studio One version 3.5.2.

This free update includes both new features/improvements as well as bug fixes.

New features and improvements:

  • Arranger Track in Studio One Prime/Artist

  • Support for StudioLive Series III rack mixers

  • Support for StudioLive AR22 mixer

  • Command for “Mono” in mixer main out

  • Click on automation track control opens the plug-in

  • Bounce keeps bus routing

  • Option to disable mixer undo

  • Updated Song Information window design

  • Blacklist for incompatible VST3 plug-ins

  • Delete device slots by drag & drop (with cmd modifier)

  • Higher resolution for zoom commands option

  • Improved Quick Zoom behavior

  • Favorites list in browser sorted alphabetically

  • [Project Page] Events snap to other events when moved or resized

  • [Project Page] Digital Release renders individual tracks based on track markers

  • [Developers] API for cloned plug-in instances in low-latency mode

    The following issues have been fixed:

  • [Fat Channel XT] gate won’t recall settings correctly

  • [Fat Channel XT] some remote controls missing

  • [Fat Channel XT] Macro Controls lose link to parameters

  • [Fat Channel XT] wrong scaling in Gate gain reduction meter

  • Wrong behavior of duplicated notes in triplet grids

  • No Level Meter peak reset in micro views

  • [macOS] “No device” not selectable in Core Audio input selector

  • [macOS, 32-bit] Audioloops showing unknown format won’t play

  • [macOS] Crash when unloading certain AU plug-ins with GUI open

  • Copy to new scratch pad + “don’t follow” Tempo setting doesn’t place audio correctly

  • Send level parameter jumps at certain values

  • 3.5 Spectrum meter scale differs from 3.3.4

  • Duplicating Arranger section doesn’t copy first note event

  • Arrangement scrolls when moving folder event to Scratch Pad

  • Auto-save version time stamps can be incorrect

  • Automation sometimes not applied during mixdown

  • [Windows] No support for I/O with disparate number of inputs and outputs using Windows Audio

  • Mono channels don’t respect Pan law in software low latency monitoring path

  • [Mai Tai, Presence XT] Gater preset not saved when plug-in is deactivated

  • Multiple crashes on Start and Quit

  • Audio input can fail after using native low-latency monitoring

  • Automation not copied correctly to Scratch Pad

  • Pipeline as Event FX doesn’t force real-time render

  • Audio in video player not muted (still playing)

  • Channel names on multi-out Instruments not restored correctly

  • Copy & paste of events + automation in Automation Track doesn’t paste automation

  • Transform audio and back resets track delay

  • “Mixdown Selection” doesn’t exclude unselected events within the selection range

  • “Cursor follows edit position” doesn’t work when comping using swipe

  • Moving Arranger Section leads to unexpected results

  • Crash when removing Track with Lexicon MPX-i

  • [Channel Strip] gain reduction meters pause or stop based on channel selection or UI status

  • [Start Page] Song list not updated after moving user data folder

  • Crash after loading certain MIDI files

  • Wrongly displayed midi quantization value

  • Note Events before first bar can’t be quantized

  • Metering displays inactive on busses with native low latency monitoring

  • Truncated text in keyboard shortcut dialog

  • Newly created Instrument Tracks in Folder not assigned to bus

  • [Project Page] copying metadata to all tracks only copies artist name

  • Missing application settings after upgrade

  • Focus issue with Song Setup metadata field tabbing

  • [macOS] Core Audio devices show one sampling rate only

  • Bus order in console not stable when moving tracks

  • Crash when switching record channel 

How To Get Studio One Version 3.5.2

Use the Update option in your Studio One software or download it from your users account.